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8 July 2024 - Story

Learning Through Play: The Power of Early Childhood Education

Mursal* and her best friend, Aysal*, both aged 5, are attending Community-Based Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) classes set up by Save the Children's Sponsorship programme in northern Afghanistan. Mursal* has found a world of learning and fun in her ECCD class. She shares, "I like to sing and play in my class.” She is very happy with the toys provided, especially the big red teddy bear, saying, "In our class, we have toys, and I like the big red teddy bear there."

With the support of her mother, Ziba*, Mursal* explores her love for drawing rainbows, flowers, and houses, and creates imaginary stories that come to life through her artwork. Ziba* shares, "She loves drawing and reading storybooks with pictures. She explains her drawings and pictures in books in her own way to me."

In a remote area like Mursal’s* village, we are running our ECCD classes. Through play-based learning, literacy development, and engaging activities, these classes are nurturing young minds and fostering essential skills for their future. Mursal* narrates her daily experiences: "We construct buildings, sing together, read [the alphabet], and count to 20."

Ziba*, Mursal's* mother, expresses the positive impact of the ECCD classes on her daughter's development. She shares, "She enjoys the ECCD classes very much. I can see how she has improved since joining the group. She has memorized many poems and songs, can read the alphabet, and can count. She enjoys being with other children."

Through our intervention, children like Mursal* and Aysal* are not only receiving quality education but also experiencing a nurturing environment where their creativity and potential are encouraged to flourish. As these young minds continue to grow and learn, they represent a hopeful future for their families and communities.