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10 September 2024 - Story

Against All Odds: Afghan Children Aspire to Bright Futures Through CBE Programmes

Hasib* (11) and Samir* (9) are brothers who, along with their classmate Parwana* (12), are making the most of their education despite the challenges of living in a remote village in Afghanistan. They love to learn and dream of a bright future.

Hasib* and Samir*’s father is a guard in a private company, earning 7,000 AFN (about 97.68 USD) per month, and their mother, Rahila*, a housewife, faces significant financial challenges. The nearest public school is an hour’s walk from their village.

Save the Children provides education in their community, where schools, hospitals, and other social services are unavailable. We established Community-Based Education (CBE) classes in Hasib* and Samir*’s community.

When the opportunity to participate in Save the Children’s CBE programme arose, the family embraced it wholeheartedly. They generously offered their home as the venue for the CBE classes, dedicating the largest room in their house to this cause. This act of community support has created a nurturing environment for Hasib*, Samir*, and other village children to pursue their dreams.

Hasib* dreams of becoming a dentist. Inspired by a kind dentist who visits their village, Hasib* wants to provide dental care to those who lack access to medical services. “In the future, I want to become a dentist and provide treatment to those who cannot go to hospitals. In our village, there is a kind dentist I visited with my father. He treats the people of our village, and I hope to become a dentist like him,” Hasib* shares.

Samir*, on the other hand, aspires to be a teacher. He finds joy in their small class library, where he and his classmates borrow and read books. “Our class has a small library with storybooks and cartoon books on a shelf that we have named the class library. We borrow books from the library, read them, and then return them after finishing,” he explains.

Parwana*, the only child in her family who can read and write, dreams of becoming a doctor. Her motivation stems from the lack of female doctors in her village. “I am in grade 3 and love learning. My dream is to become a doctor in the future because there are no female doctors in our village,” Parwana* says.

With support from Save the Children Italy, the CBE classes in Hasib* and Samir*’s village provide not only education but also essential resources. Students receive kits with notebooks, pencils, and school bags, as well as winter kits containing coats, shoes, and other necessities. This comprehensive support ensures that the children can focus on their studies without being burdened by a lack of resources.

Hasib* enjoys playing football with his friends and appreciates the new sneakers his father bought him. Samir* loves using coloured pencils and writing on the whiteboard. Both brothers look forward to continuing their education and, one day, attending a public school despite its distance.

“I love to play football, and I play with my friends in the village. My father bought me sneakers so that I could play better. Save the Children has provided us with notebooks, pencils, pens, school bags, shoes, and other items. I appreciate our class and our teacher; she is very kind and helps us with our lessons,” Hasib* says.

“After our class, I will go to Madrasa to do my homework. I have many friends in our village. Hasib* and I often play football and have fun together. I enjoy using coloured pencils and writing on the whiteboard in front of the class,” says Samir*.