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10 September 2024 - Story

Healing Through Art: The HEART Programme in Action

With funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Save the Children is implementing the Healing and Education Through the Arts (HEART) programme in Child-Friendly Spaces (CFS). This initiative is a crucial component of our training programme, designed to enhance the skills and effectiveness of CFS facilitators. The HEART programme focuses on emotional, psychological, and personal development, helping facilitators build emotional intelligence, psychological resilience, and achieve overall personal growth.

This programme complements our broader training objectives by ensuring facilitators are not only technically proficient but also emotionally equipped to manage the complexities of their roles.

The training equips CFS facilitators with tools and techniques to integrate HEART activities into their communities and CFS programmes for children. These activities include group work, interactive sessions, relaxation exercises, and creative outlets such as free art, painting, drawing, sculpting, and making puppets or toys. Additionally, role-playing is used to foster a dynamic and supportive environment for children.

By applying these skills in their daily interactions with children, CFS facilitators use the HEART programme to offer psychosocial support through arts-based methods. This approach helps children affected by stress to understand, express, and communicate their feelings and emotions. Through art activities—such as drawing or painting their experiences—and verbal sharing with facilitators or peers, children gradually become more expressive and communicative. This process supports their emotional development and enhances their engagement with their environment.

Kabir*(30), a CFS facilitator, remarked, "I want to thank Save the Children for conducting such activities. Now, I can better understand the children’s feelings through the arts."

Shahzad*(9), one of the children, said, "We are happy in CFS, and all the activities make us feel joyful. When I come to CFS, the activities help me forget my stress."

Ahmad*(8) shared, "This is really the first time I've had the chance to play with such toys. I had never seen or played with so many toys before. I had always dreamed of having a small car and puzzles, and here at CFS, my dream has come true. Thank you for providing us with such a fun and enriching environment."