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15 August 2024 - Story

Creating Safe Spaces for Children at Jawzjan's Therapeutic Feeding Unit (TFU) Clinic

Save the Children has established a Child-Friendly Space (CFS) adjacent to the Therapeutic Feeding Unit (TFU) clinic in Jawzjan province. The CFS provides children with a safe and engaging environment while their parents undergo examinations at the TFU clinic. This setup helps prevent child safeguarding issues, reduces the likelihood of children becoming tired or bored in the clinic’s waiting area, and protects them from extreme weather conditions.

The CFS offers children opportunities to develop, learn, play, and build resilience. In the CFS, children can learn, play, socialise, and express themselves freely.

Halima* (29), a parent, shared her experience when she came to receive services at the TFU: “When I used to visit the doctor, I would go alone. I would only bring one of my children with me, as bringing more would tire them out. Since the children’s space [CFS] was established, both my children and I have been very happy. On days when I need to visit the clinic, I can leave my daughter here in the CFS. While I undergo my examination, she plays with toys and sometimes doesn’t want to leave.”

Marina* (32), one of the clinic’s doctors, said, “The facilitators are kind and very friendly with the children. Since the establishment of the CFS, we have seen an increase in patient numbers, and the children are happy to go to the CFS. My patients and I appreciate these activities.”

Lida*, a 9-year-old child, said, “I love coming to the CFS. I enjoy playing with the kitchen toys and love the teacher who supports me in preparing and making toys.”

This child-friendly space has been established to keep children engaged and entertained while their parents wait for a doctor's appointment or accompany a hospitalised family member in the TFU. Two facilitators are present to provide toys and games, ensuring that the children remain occupied and comfortable. They offer a variety of activities fit to different interests and age groups. This initiative is supported by Save the Children Italy.