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8 July 2024 - Story

Balkh's Religious Leaders Drive Positive Change for Children

With funding support from the Advancing Women-led Agri-businesses to Reach Economic Empowerment (AWARE) project, Save the Children organised an exposure visit for religious leaders from the targeted districts of Balkh province. This visit provided a platform for joint learning on key topics, including Save the Children's vision and mission, the definition of a child, and their basic rights. The religious leaders also shared their suggestions and opinions on future programming.

During the visit, participants exchanged their experiences in communicating and cascading meeting messages to their communities. The religious leaders learned from one another and developed more effective strategies for community engagement. They discussed and shared methods for disseminating meeting messages, which led to improved communication and engagement with community members. Additionally, the activity resulted in the development of plans for future collaboration, including joint initiatives and awareness efforts from an Islamic perspective.

Mawlawi Habib*, 52, a religious leader, expressed, "Programmes like this are crucial as they connect with religious leaders. We hope Save the Children will also continue their activities in the provinces."