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8 July 2024 - Story

Empowering Women in Dairy: Transforming Rural Communities in Jawzjan

Save the Children, with support from the Community-Based Eco-Disaster Risk Reduction (CBED)-Sida project, has recently established initiatives for both men and women in Jawzjan. A notable trend is the active participation of the female producer groups in milk collection and other dairy production activities. This development represents a significant step toward economic sustainability in rural communities. The involvement of women highlights the impact and implications of female-led initiatives in the dairy sector, focusing on their contributions, challenges faced, and potential for growth.

The initiation of female producer groups by Save the Children has been crucial in economically empowering women by providing them with opportunities. Women gain financial independence and assume enhanced decision-making roles within their communities through their active participation in milk collection and dairy production.

The establishment of milk collection by female groups has resulted in improving livelihoods for the households involved, contributing to poverty reduction and economic stability. Communities benefit from increased access to nutritious dairy products, leading to improved overall health outcomes.

"I believe in the power of work and coming together to make a difference. Leading our dairy producer group has not only empowered me but also empowered our community. Through milk, we feed families and support our children," said Sharifa*, a mother of five children who received support through this project.