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15 August 2024 - Story

Flooded Dreams: The Impact of the Baghlan Flood on People’s Lives

Abdullah*, a 43-year-old farmer, and his large family lived in Baghlan, leading a comfortable life. Abdullah*, along with his four sons and three daughters, managed a thriving 12-acre farm where he cultivated onions, corn, and wheat. His livestock, including goats, cows, and chickens, added to the prosperity of his life. During peak harvest seasons, his earnings ranged between 200,000 AFN (2,780.86 USD) and 300,000 AFN (4,171.29 USD), providing a stable and fulfilling life for his family.

However, a catastrophic flood swept through the region, shattering their lives. The flood washed away everything Abdullah had worked for—his crops, livestock, and essential infrastructure, including their home, chicken farm, water well, and solar panels. In an instant, their life of abundance was replaced with one of devastation and displacement.

Abdullah’s* family now finds themselves living in a partially destroyed room, struggling to meet their immediate needs. The flood has damaged the village, with local water wells filled with debris, making access to clean water a significant challenge. For Abdullah*, the flood's impact has been both physically and emotionally draining.

Abdullah* shares, “My life before the flooding was filled with gratitude and happiness; now, I am left with nothing. Everything has been washed away."

"The people in this village are terribly affected by this flooding. We urgently need aid and support in all forms, including cash assistance to rebuild our lives, shelter, water, food, essential living items and utensils, clothing for my family members, and medicines and doctors to check up on our children."

Amidst this severe crisis, Save the Children has stepped in to support. Abdullah's* family received 23,000 AFN (333 USD) in cash assistance, which has been pivotal in purchasing essential supplies. Additionally, Save the Children’s water tankers deliver clean water daily, eliminating the need for hours-long trips to distant sources.


"In the first days of the flooding, we had problems with drinking water. I used to spend around 30 minutes on my motorcycle traveling to the centre of the district to fetch two jars of water. Due to the rush at the water pump, it often took more than an hour to collect the water. Now, thanks to Save the Children, water trucks come right to our door to provide clean and fresh drinking water."


Abdullah*’s 15-year-old son, Omer*, who was a 10th grader before the flood, has seen his world turn upside down.


"I am in 10th grade. Before the flooding, I used to go to school every day. We studied and played football in the playground. However, after the flooding, everything was overturned; our homes, schools, and playgrounds were swept away. My classmates and I were all happy, but now I don’t know if they are alive and okay."


“I want to become a teacher and help children pursue their dreams and become something in life.”


"I want Save the Children to help my father rebuild our house and provide us with clothes, shoes, and food. I also want Save the Children to rebuild our school, Madrasa, and playground. I hope Save the Children can help my classmates and their families as well," says Omer*.


Since the severe rainfall and flooding began on May 10, 2024, Baghlan province has been critically affected, displacing over 59,100 individuals and causing extensive damage. Save the Children has mobilized rapidly to provide emergency relief, including healthcare services, clean water, and cash assistance. Their comprehensive approach has included mobile clinics, water trucking, hygiene kit distribution, and child protection services. To date, Save the Children has delivered 2.3 million liters of drinking water, conducted 7,806 outpatient consultations, and engaged 2,574 children in Mobile Child-Friendly Spaces. Cash assistance totaling $40,608 has been distributed to 811 households, helping them cope with immediate needs and begin rebuilding.


The support from donors, including a $1,000,000 pledge from Save the Children’s Humanitarian Fund, is making a significant difference, but the need remains great. The road to recovery will be long and challenging for Abdullah*, Omer*, and countless others affected by this disaster. Continued support is crucial in helping families like Abdullah’s rebuild their lives, restore their homes, and secure their future.