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10 September 2024 - Story

Flood Recovery in Baghlan: Abdullah’s Story of Resilience

Abdullah*, a 43-year-old farmer from Baghlan, led a good life with his large family until a devastating disaster turned their world upside down. With a thriving 12-acre farm, Abdullah* supported his four sons and three daughters by cultivating onions, corn, and wheat, alongside raising goats, cows, and chickens. During the harvest season, his earnings typically ranged between 200,000 AFN ($2,843.65) and 300,000 AFN ($4,265.47).


Unfortunately, the flood swept away everything Abdullah* had built—his livestock, crops, and critical infrastructure, including their home, chicken farm, water well, and solar panels. Displaced and in distress, Abdullah* and his family now find themselves cramped into a small room. Their urgent needs extend to the entire community: shelter, cash assistance, water, food, clothing, and medicine. The flood's impact has been catastrophic, transforming their village into an unrecognisable wasteland and rendering their water wells unusable, with debris blocking access to clean water—a vital necessity for survival.


Save the Children's intervention has been a lifeline for Abdullah* and his family.  He received 23,000 AFN ($333) in cash assistance, which has been essential for purchasing critical supplies and restoring a degree of stability amidst the chaos. Furthermore, Save the Children’s daily delivery of clean water via tankers has alleviated the burden of making long journeys to find safe drinking water.


Abdullah* expressed, “In the early days of the flooding, accessing drinking water was a major struggle. I used to spend around 30 minutes on my motorcycle travelling to the district centre to fetch two jars of water. Often, due to the crowd at the water pump, it would take over an hour to collect. Now, thanks to Save the Children, water trucks come right to our door, providing clean and fresh drinking water.”


He continues, “The people in this village have been terribly affected by the flooding. We urgently need aid in all forms: cash assistance to help rebuild our lives, shelter, water, food, essential living items, clothing for my family, and medicines and doctors to check on our children.”


Omer*, Abdullah’s* 15-year-old son, adds, “I am in 10th grade. Before the flooding, I went to school every day, studied, and played football in the playground. Now, everything has been turned upside down; our homes, schools, and playgrounds have been swept away. I don’t know if my classmates are alive or okay. I want to become a teacher to help children pursue their dreams and achieve something in life.”


He concludes, “I hope Save the Children can help my father rebuild our house and provide us with clothes, shoes, and food. I also wish for them to rebuild our school, madrasa, and playground. I hope they can extend their support to my classmates and their families as well.”